CapTrade’s Analysis of Blueberry Market Discussed by Industry Press

A CapTrade report on the U.S. blueberry industry has garnered attention from industry press outlets Fresh Fruit Portal and Agronometrics.  The CapTrade report, Analysis of Serious Injury and Causation Within Seasons, Months, and Weeks,” was prepared on behalf of the American Blueberry Growers Alliance for the ongoing Safeguards investigation at the U.S. International Trade Commission: Fresh, Chilled, or Frozen Blueberries.

The report analyzes U.S. blueberry shipment and price data to assess injury to the domestic industry during the “shoulder” periods of the U.S. growing seasons.  The shoulders are the periods before and after the U.S. peak season.  Historically, prices have been higher during the shoulders than the peak season and sales during these shoulders have contributed disproportionately to the revenues of U.S. blueberry growers.  CapTrade’s analysis focuses on the effect of growing import volumes on U.S. prices during the shoulder periods from 2015 to 2019.

The report was co-authored by Travis Pope, Charles Anderson, and Andrew Szamosszegi.


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